The International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) exists to support journalists reporting on religion worldwide. Ours is an all volunteer, nonprofit enterprise, bringing reporters together from around the world.

Membership is free, providing important information and resources to journalists who cover faith issues. It has never been more crucial. But we rely on donations — big and small — to help us meet our goals and continue to build our global network.

Among the crucial needs your donation would support:

  • Regional conferences
  • Website development
  • Newsletter production
  • Video interviews
  • Religion reporting contests

If you would like to direct your contribution to one of these areas, just write it on your check or online donation. Or you can donate to the general fund.

We thank you for any generous gift — large or small — you send.


You can donate online using PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation.

By Mail

You can also support us by sending a check via mail. Please send snail mail donations to IARJ executive director Peggy Stack.

Make checks payable to
The International Association of Religion Journalists
Mail checks to
Peggy Fletcher Stack
1444 Yale Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

For inquiries about making a donation, send us a message using our contact form.