Larbi Megari

Larbi Megari, an Algerian journalist, scholar and leader in groundbreaking efforts to lift up international reporting on religion, will be inducted into the International Association of Religion Journalists Hall of Fame later this month.

IARJ Board Chair Uday Basu and Executive Director Peggy Stack welcome you to a virtual ceremony honoring Larbi Megari May 17 at 1600 GMT. The ceremony will stream live on our IARJ Facebook page and on our YouTube channel.

Larbi Megari, a journalist with more than a quarter-century experience in print and television journalism in Algeria, helped lead international dialogues that led to the founding of the IARJ, and became the organization’s co-managing director and the champion of its website and social media serving members in both English and Arabic.

He holds a Master of Arts in mass communications from London Metropolitan University in England and is just finishing his doctoral work on online religious preaching on Twitter in Saudi Arabia, within the Research Unit Information and mediation practices and resources (PRIM) at the University of Tours in France.