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Jubilee 2025 Offers Unique Reporting Angle
No matter where in the world you are, Jubilee 2025 is likely to touch you. Here is some information to help you write a once-in-a-quarter-century story.
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Jubilee 2025 Offers Unique Reporting Angle
No matter where in the world you are, Jubilee 2025 is likely to touch you. Here is some information to help you write a once-in-a-quarter-century story.
As we look to the new year, IARJ is planning to host several more online discussions and one small conference in Kenya. We are once again co-sponsoring the Piazza Grande Religion Reporting Award and will continue…
Journalists covering faith and religion in Europe and the Mediterranean can submit their stories to the fourth Piazza Grande Religion Journalism Award.
Get to know the IARJ's members and their work in the website new feature.
In this interview with Jelena, we discuss her new book, 'We Were Given to Each Other to Do Good'
La IARJ e la Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII (FSCIRE) annunciano i vincitori del Premio Piazza Grande di giornalismo religioso.
Incontro con Brigitte Jünger, vincitrice del terzo premio del Premio di giornalismo religioso Piazza Grande 2023, in una conversazione con Jelena Jorgačević, vicepresidente della IARJ.
Le restrizioni governative alla religione sono aumentate, secondo la 14a analisi annuale del Pew Research Center.
Incontriamo Melanie Lidman, vincitrice del secondo premio del Premio di giornalismo religioso Piazza Grande 2023, in una conversazione con Jelena Jorgačević, vicepresidente della IARJ.
Una recente intervista con Uday Basu fornisce informazioni sul suo nuovo libro, White Sahibs, Brown Sahibs: An Insider's Account of the Statesman.