A conversation with Brigitte Jünger

The third award of the second edition of the Piazza Grande Religion Journalism Award was bestowed upon Brigitte Jünger for her article titled “Maroniten in Israel: Vertriebene Christen kämpfen um ihr Dorf” (Maronites in Israel: Displaced Christians fight for their village), produced for Deutschlandradio Kultur (Germany).
As noted by the jury, this article sheds light on a lesser-known Christian group in northern Israel, exploring the challenges of being a tiny minority in a predominantly Muslim region of the religiously contested country. Through compelling narratives and intricate details of architecture, geography, and human interactions, the piece delves into the history and current plight of the Maronites. It amplifies the voices of both old and young Maronites, some of whom are striving for recognition as a viable minority.
Brigitte Jünger, hailing from Cologne, Germany, brings a rich background in German language and literature, art history, and psychology to her freelance work as an author since 1998. Her portfolio includes engaging radio reports spanning diverse subjects such as religion, history, art, and music, with a recent focus on religious topics.
She resided and worked in Jerusalem from 2018 to 2020. In addition to her radio work, Brigitte Jünger writes books for children and young people.
In this video, our vice-chair, Jelena Jorgačević, leads a discussion with Brigitte Jünger, exploring a range of captivating topics concerning her journalistic pursuits and the modern terrain of religion journalism.