Watch the third in our series of dialogues in the video screen (above) or you can go directly to YouTube to see the video, which was archived there after the live stream concluded.

This video is 34 minutes long. The content covers many timely topics across a range of countries.

Please watch our IARJ website for news of other upcoming dialogues.

The participants in the video (above) are listed here:

Promotional graphic for the IARJ’s Journalism & Religion dialogue, with speakers listed as Tom Heneghan, Jelena Jorgancevic Ksic, and María-Paz López. The moderator is listed as Astrid Dalehaug Norheim.
Click on this poster for the event to move over to the IARJ’s Facebook page.

Care to learn more about this dialogue series?

Read Executive Director Endy Bayuni’s story, The IARJ launches virtual journalism dialogues on religion in times of pandemic for more information about this new project.