Please enjoy our recording of this global dialogue about current issues involving religion journalists and political movements in various parts of the world. If you care to learn more about our videos, please visit the IARJ YouTube channel and subscribe.

In introducing the panel, Prince Charles Dickson from Nigeria, sets up the basic issue the IARJ members will be discussing. He asks, What happens when a political party favors one religion or a specific faith? … Does this lead to conflicts? Of course. … We also are looking at how journalists play roles as gate keepers and agenda setters.

Yes, journalists have a responsibility as watchdogs, the Fourth Estate, and this is not easy for us, says Nana Appiah Acquaye, based in Ghana. This is a very timely discussion, he adds, because there is currently a debate ongoing as to whether our country is a secular state or a religious state. Our constitution … failed to make that very clear.

Here is a recording of the most recent dialogue: (After live streaming on our IARJ Facebook page, these dialogues are permanently archived in YouTube. If you prefer, you also can watch this dialogue directly from our YouTube channel.)