Icfj To Support, Honor International


ICFJ is Providing Mentoring/Financial Support for Joint Reporting on Religion

Journalists from different countries who work together to publish a story on religion are eligible to receive editorial support and a payment of $500 under a new program sponsored by the International Center for Journalists.

ICFJ has a long tradition of bringing together journalists of different cultures and religions to improve coverage and understanding. To help international journalists conduct more accurate, nuanced and in-depth reporting on critical religious and social issues, ICFJ is offering in to:

  • Assist in pairing journalists from different countries to work on joint stories on religion;
  • Provide mentoring, guidance and resources to help participants develop and report those stories;
  • Work with each reporting team to help edit and publish their articles; and
  • Award $500 to each team for published articles. The amount is in addition to whatever other compensation they receive for the story.

Together, the two or more reporters will shape the story idea(s) and work collaboratively during the reporting process and through the editing and publication process. It is not necessary for each to publish the same story. Journalists who are interested in joint reporting projects on religion should contact David Briggs at dbriggs@icfj.org with their story ideas and proposed partners. This program ends in early 2013.

ICFJ will Recognize Quality Joint Reporting with Cash Awards

In early 2013, ICFJ will award cash prizes to teams of journalists for quality reporting on topics dealing with religious issues. Full-time, part-time or freelance journalists currently working in print, broadcast or online media in any country are eligible. Applicants should submit one article, or a series of articles on a single subject. ICFJ is looking for entries that demonstrate collaboration among two or more journalists from different countries along with strong writing, fairness, accuracy and clarity in reporting on religion. The joint stories do not need to include dual bylines to qualify for the awards, but collaboration needs to be demonstrated and/or documented. The articles should have been published in 2012-13. They may be submitted in any language but must include a summary of the article in English, along with the name of the publication and the date it was published.

Deadline: Completed submissions (article(s) plus brief profiles of the writers) must be submitted via email to Lisa Ellis at lellis@icfj.org no later than January 31, 2013 to be considered.