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IARJ @ Work: Pedro Brieger on the Pope and Latin America
IARJ board member Pedro Brieger writes about the evolving relationship between the papacy and Latin America.
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IARJ @ Work: Pedro Brieger on the Pope and Latin America
IARJ board member Pedro Brieger writes about the evolving relationship between the papacy and Latin America.
This latest Global Plus column comes from the journalist with the closest, ongoing access to Pope Francis: Sergio Rubin…
Issues of faith in public life dominate world news, but religion is often misunderstood or ignored in media coverage. It’s understandable. The world’s religions are the…
As he marks his third anniversary on the job, Pope Francis is providing encouragement, renewed optimism and a new energy to many of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. It is an appeal that extends beyond…
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – The global impact being made by the first Latin American pope was on the minds of many journalists attending late April’s IARJ conference, since…
Issues of faith in public life dominate world news, but religion is often misunderstood or ignored in media coverage. It’s understandable. The world’s religions are the result of hundreds of…
The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome is offering the third edition of its intensive one-week seminar in English, The Church Up Close: Covering Catholicism in the Age of Benedict XVI. The seminar, from…